Current group members (ca. April 2023)
I am fortunate to work with a group of talented and enthusiastic cosmologists at JPL and at Caltech. We meet at Cahill every Tuesday at 2:00 pm in the Cahill 312. Some papers of interest to be discussed are collected here.
- Sean Bruton: Sean is a Caltech post-doc who joined us from the University of Minnesota where he obtained his PhD under the supervision of Claudia Scarlata.
- Yun-Ting Cheng: Yun-Ting, now a Caltech Research Scientist, joined us after completing her PhD at Caltech in the Observational Cosmology group under the supervision of Jamie Bock, and a postdoc at JPL. She works on intensity mapping, large-scale galactic dust extinction maps, and now focuses on SPHEREx. [Web]
- Jean Choppin Haudry de Janvry: Jean is a Visiting Student Researcher at JPL and works on the SPHEREx cosmology pipeline.
- Spencer Everett: Spencer is a Caltech Research Scientist and is working on the SPHEREx cosmology pipeline. [Web]
- Henry Gebhardt: Henry, now a Caltech post-doc, joined us from Penn State University where he studied under the supervision of Prof. Donghui Jeong. Henry is now working on getting us ready for the soon coming SPHEREx all-sky survey. [Web]
- Chen Heinrich: Chen, now a Caltech research scientist, joined us from the University of Chicago where she studied under the supervision of Prof. Wayne Hu in 2017. During her PhD, she did important quantifying the effect of lensing when measuring compensated isocurvature perturbations, as well as novel and influential studies of reionization and inflation after Planck. Chen now focuses on preparing for both the SPHEREX cosmology investigation. [Web]
- Diogo Henrique Francis de Souza: Diogo is a JPL postdoc focusing his research on the Roman High Latitude Imaging Survey (HLIS). Diogo obtained his PhD from the ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR). He is jointly supervised with Dida Markovic at JPL. [Web]
- Dennis Lee: Dennis is a JPL postdoc jointly supervised with Tzu-Ching Chang and Brandon Hensley. Dennis received his Ph.D. from Northwestern University where his work focused on understanding the role of the magnetic field in the star formation process. He is now focusing on understand the large scale properties of dust and the ISM in our own Milky Way amongst other topics. [Web]
- Robin Wen: Robin is a graduate student at Caltech, under joint supervision of Prof. Jamie Bock and myself. He joined us from the University of Waterloo. He is studying the accurate modeling of galaxy clustering on the largest scales to be measured by future surveys such as SPHEREx or Euclid. [Web]
Former group members:
- Postdocs:
- Ashmeet Singh: Now a faculty at Whitman College. [Web]
- Kris Pardo: Now a faculty at USC. [Web]
- Daniel Lenz: Now a data scientist in Bonn, Germany. [Web]
- Jérôme Gleyzes: Now a data scientist in Bordeaux, France.
- Elisabeth Krause: Now faculty at the University of Arizona. [Web]
- Roland de Putter: Now a data scientist in New York.
- Phil Bull: Now a Reader in Cosmology at the University of Manchester. [Web]
- Hao-Yi (Heidi) Wu: Now a Professor at Boise State University. [Web]
- Paolo Serra: Now a data scientist in New York.
- Anthony Pullen: Now faculty in Physics at NYU. [Web]
- Alvise Raccanelli: Now a Professor at the Universita deli Studi di Padova. [Web]
- Duncan Hanson: Now at Google.
- Graduate Students:
- Abhilash Mishra: Abhilash was a graduate student of Chris Hirata. Now at the University of Chicago. Director of the Kevin Xu Global Initiative on Science, Technology, and Inequality. [Web]
- Tejaswi Venumadhav: Teja was a graduate student of Chris Hirata. Now a faculty at UC Santa Barbara. [Web]
- Dan Grin: Dan was a student of Marc Kamionkowski. Now a Professor of Physics & Astronomy at the Haverford College. [Web]
- Shi Yanlong: Yanlong was a graduate student at Caltech, under the supervision of Phil Hopkins, and we jointly explored new signatures of neutrino masses in the spatial distribution of galaxies. Yanlong is now at CITA, University of Toronto.
- Yijun (Ali) Wang: Ali was a graduate student at Caltech jointly supervised by Yanbei Chen and Tzu-Ching Chang. She worked worked on gravitational wave detection through astrometry. She now works in the financial sector.
- Richard M. Feder: Richard was a Graduate student under the supervision of Jamie Bock and we jointly explored the measurement of redshift problem with SPHEREx. Richard is now a postdoc at UC Berkeley. []
- Undergraduate Students:
- Sujay Champati
- Kailai Wang
- Carlos Pareja
- Rajib Chowdhury: Now senior at University Central Florida.
- Joshua Benabou: Now a graduate student at UC Berkeley
- Isabel Sands: Now a graduate student at Caltech
- Zucheng Gao: Now a graduate student at the University of Cambridge (UK).
- Brandon Khek: Now a senior at Rice University.
- Leah Vazsonyi: Now a senior at Caltech.
- George (Trey) Driskell: Now a graduate student in cosmology at USC.
- Yash Kankanampatil: Yash, a graduate from the Indian Institute of Technology, Dhanbad.
- Roohi Dalal: Now a graduate student in astronomy at Princeton University.
- Gabriela Satie Sato Polito: Now a graduate student in astronomy at John Hopkins University.
- Daniel DeFillipis: Now a graduate student at Columbia University.
- Christina Kreisch: Now a graduate student at Princeton University. [Web]